Destiny is fixed the moment a person take birth. Every event of ones life is predestined and will occur at that precise time period only. Now to link destiny with free will thru astrology, then we need to know the destiny first. Although no one can change destiny ( except sacred saints ) but a minute fine tuning can be done thru our free will.

Free Destiny and Free Will explained with example

 If an astrologer predict that a person will loose his leg in an accident in a particular, then that person thru his free will can pre-plan his course of actions in advance in order to minimize the negative effect of the malefic planets. By doing so he may not loose leg in accident, but will get bad wound. He definitely can’t change his predestined destiny, but can minimize the flow of negativity thru his free will karma. FREE WILL acts like a buffer to reshape our destiny be it positive or negative. The moment a person understand the sacred power of free will thru which one can help himself for the betterment of ones future, he immediately should seeks guidance from the astrologer to pre plan his course of actions in advance to benefit himself for his success in life. Astrology is a divine guidance for free will to achieve success