A KP vedic astrologer who is one among the best vedic astrologer in India. In KP vedic astrology the 2 minutes difference has got great importance in destiny predictions. In example of twin birth, both have generally same horoscope, but the small time difference between the two birth time gives two different destiny of the children.

In past 20 years of my practice, my astrological guidance could bring smiles of the face of my clients. I am not a miracle making person having magic wand to change one’s destiny, only sacred saints has that ability.

The vedic astrology guidance itself acts miracle in shaping one’s destiny, as one can per plan one’s plan of actions in advance there by minimizing the negative effects of the malefic planets which results in achieving in success in one’s life. In other words astrological guidance helps in minimizing the negative effects of the planets and lead success in life.

Best Indian astrologer in USA

He has read more than thousands of horoscopes and his guidance and remedies in all important areas of life like career astrology, business astrology, money, love astrology, education astrology, property, marriage astrology, spouse, partnership, luck , personal matters, transfer, health astrology, higher studies etc. and saw smiles on the faces of the astrology guidance seekers. Subir Pal being one of the best astrologer in India is also among the best astrologer in India Quora as he has many of his publications in Quora.

Best Indian astrologer in London UK

Among the best astrologer in the world, with his accurate horoscope predictions and effective remedies, he got attention from Indians and non Indians who are spread all over the globe. His premier customer is from USA, Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, Gremany, Europe, Middle East, as well as all over India. Best  astrologer in Mumbai  Subir Pal has vast knowledge about indian vedic astrology.

Besides his Astrology qualifications, Subir Pal is also BSc in chemistry, P.G in Textile chemistry has completed his MBA in Marketing.

From past 23 years he has been practicing KP vedic astrology with tremendous success. Today he is among top Indian famous vedic astrologer and also considered as best Indian astrologer in USA as well as best indian astrologer in London UK, as he has consulted many and there have many came for consultation thru other’s references. His predictions on diverse issues have been very helpful to thousands of people who have sought his counseling & advice on their matters and making their lives better as he being a best vedic astrologer.