Rudraksha is a natural seed, found within the vibrant blue fruit of the evergreen Elaeocarpus ganitrus, it is indigenous to the Himalayas across India and Nepal. It also flourishes in other areas of Southeast Asia, where the volcanic soil is conducive to its growth. 

The varieties  of Rudraksham range from  1-21 faces (mukhis) AND each associated with different qualities of functions.
Rudraksha beads may be strung together as a mala and used to count the repetition of a mantra or prayer, similar to the use of rosaries in Christianity. Most garlands contain 108 beads plus one, as 108 is considered sacred and a suitable number of times to recite a short mantra.

Within the community of saints, Rudraksham are sacred power objects, which possess the power to positively influence and protect every aspect and expression of your life and soul as you walk the path to your Immortal Enlightenment. Yet, to express their full divine potential, their power must be activated through specific spiritual processes.

In Ayurveda, the bead, bark, and leaves of the rudraksha tree, which have antibacterial effects, are used for treating various ailments such as mental disorders, headaches, fever, skin diseases, etc. 

They are also used for treating cough, breathing problems, controlling epilepsy, liver-related problems, jaundice, stomach aches, high blood pressure, and treating burns, as well as improving memory power, controlling brain fever, and blood purification. The flesh or pulp of the drupe is administered for epilepsy, diseases of the head, and in mental illness.


Most fake rudrakshas exhibit 1 mukhi due to its rarity. A variety of rudrakshas called 1 mukhi half-moon are thus sold in its place; these are genuine and more easily available versions of 1-mukhi rudrakshas.

The 1-mukhi rudraksha is faked using berries and Areca nut. Also, some suppliers sell fake rudrakshas which have a serpent, trishula, Shiva-lingam, etc. carved on them. A real rudraksha does not have these markings. Fake rudrakshas are also made by carving extra lines on lower-mukhi rudrakshas to obtain the rare and higher-priced higher-mukhi rudrakshas or by hiding lines to make a rarer lower-mukhi rudraksha. 

A fake Gauri Shankar rudraksha is made by gluing together two rudraksha beads.

To recognize real rudrakshas, many techniques are used, such as sinking and floating of rudrakshas as well as revolving rudrakshas in between two copper coins. But these are not correct criteria. Some helpful techniques include:

1.   Using a magnifying glass and examining the rudraksha for artificially carved lines which are generally very sharp, or glued surfaces on the bead.

2.   Whenever checking the genuineness of a joint or of a line on a rudraksha, for example checking a Gauri Shankar for joints or lines in higher-mukhi beads, one must make sure to boil the rudraksha in water for 1 to 2 hours. Sharp discoloration will take place at the joint or at the artificially created line.

3.   Cut the bead horizontally. There should be the same number of compartments as lines on a rudraksha.

4.   Best of all is doing an x-ray of the rudraksha.

RUDRAKSHA  ( 1-21 Mukhi )

Rudraksha          1 Mukhi
Ruling God          Shiva
Ruling Planet      Sun
Beeja mantra      Om Hreem Namah
Major benefit     Enlightens superconsciousness, provides improved concentration and mental structure changes specific to renunciation from worldly affairs. The wearer enjoys all comforts at his/her command but still remains unattached. This is the supreme Rudraksha for anyone who want to get connected to the Supreme power. It destroys all sins and allows you to liberate yourself. On a physical point of view, this kind of bead cures migraines and diseases from the brain.

Rudraksha        2 Mukhi 
Ruling God       Ardhnareeshwara      
Ruling Planet    Moon
Beeja mantra    Om Namah 
Major benefit     Blesses the wearer with 'unity'. It could be related to Guru-Shishya, parents-children, husband-wife, or friends. Maintaining oneness is its peculiarity. It blesses the wearer with harmony and unity. This type of Rudraksha cure emotional weaknesses. It helps to wearer to release fear and find inner happiness.

Rudraksha          3 Mukhi
Ruling God          Agni
Ruling Planet      Mars
Beeja mantra      Om Kleem Namah
Major benefit     The wearer gets freed from sins or wrongs from his/her life and returns to purity . Ideal for those who suffer from inferiority complexes, subjective fear, guilt, and depression. It also frees the wearer from his past birth Karma, releasing past memories of anger, and any kind of feeling associated to low self estime. It allows you to shine and reveal your truth.

Rudraksha      4 Mukhi   
Ruling God       Brahma  
Ruling Planet    Mercury 
Beeja mantra    Om Hreem Namah
Major benefit   The wearer gains power of creativity when blessed. Increases memory power, wit, and intelligence. It is associated to Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe and the representation of knowledge and creativity. Wearing this Rudraksha your power of concentration, of knowledge and creativty will increase.

Rudraksha         5 Mukhi      
Ruling God         Kalaagni Rudra   
Ruling Planet      Jupiter
Beeja mantra      Om Hreem Namah
Major benefit     These are the most common type of Rudraksha. It is safe and good for everyone – man, woman and child (up to 12 years old). This is the Rudraksha type we mostly use. The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is used for general wellbeing, health and freedom. 

It enhance awareness, destroying the bad karma of the present life and helps those who whish to discover their higher-selves. Wearer gains health and peace. Lowers blood pressure.

Rudraksha          6 Mukhi
Ruling God          Kartikeya
Ruling Planet      Venus
Beeja mantra      Om Hreem Hum Namah
Major benefit      Saves from the emotional trauma of worldly sorrows and gives learning, wisdom, and knowledge. Affects understanding and appreciation of love, sexual pleasure, music, and personal relationships. It also makes the wearer more connected to Mother Earth. It gives you stability and increases your stability and grounded feeling.

Rudraksha         7 Mukhi   
Ruling God        Mahalakshmi   
Ruling Planet     Saturn
Beeja mantra     Om Hum Namah
Major benefit    It represents the Goddess of wealth, Goddess Mahalaxmi. It promotes good physical health, wealth and abundance. It should be worn by those who are suffering from miseries pertaining to body, finances, and mental states. By wearing this, a person can progress in business and service and spend his/her life happily.

Rudraksha         8 Mukhi  
Ruling God         Ganesha
Ruling Planet      Rahu
Beeja mantra      Om Hum Namah
Major benefit    It is associated to Goddess Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It will help you to gain confidence and achieve success easily, leading to a happier life. Removes all obstacles and brings success in all undertakings. It gives the wearer all kinds of attainments - Riddhies and Siddhies. His/her opponents are finished, i.e. the minds or intentions of his/her opponents are changed.

Rudraksha         9 Mukhi
Ruling God         Durga
Ruling Planet      Ketu
Beeja mantra      Om Hreem Hum Namah
Major benefit     The wearer is blessed with lots of energy, power, dynamism, and fearlessness, which are useful to live a life of success. It is the representation of Goddess Durga, the female form of the Supreme Being. It will protect you from all sufferings and remove your misery. It is the symbol of freedom, freedom from fear, in order to live a life of success.

Rudraksha          10 Mukhi
Ruling God          Vishnu
Ruling Planet       None
Beeja mantra       Om Hreem Namah
Major benefit       This contains the influence of ten incarnations and ten directions. It works like a shield on one's body and drives evils away. It  is known to be the most powerful Rudraksha, being able to pacify all the nine planets. It is a strong protector against negative energies and Evil.

Rudraksha          11 Mukhi
Ruling God          Hanuman
Ruling Planet      None
Beeja mantra      Om Hreem Hum Namah
Major benefit     It is associatied to Lord Hanuman who represents courage, bravery and adventure. It gives the wearer courage and fearless power. Blesses wearer with wisdom, right judgment, powerful vocabulary, adventurous life, fearlessness, and success. Above all, it also protects from accidental death. It also helps in meditation and removes the problems of yogic practices.

Rudraksha         12 Mukhi
Ruling God         Surya
Ruling Planet      Sun
Beeja mantra       Sraum Raum Surya Namah
Major benefit       Wearer gets the quality of the sun - to rule and to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. Good for ministers, politicians, administrators, business people, and executives. Removes worry, suspicion, and fear. Increases self-image and motivation. It helps you to release all tensions, as stress, doubt, worry. It blesses you, give you self-confidence and motivation in your life.

Rudraksha           13 Mukhi
Ruling God          Indra
Ruling Planet      Venus
Beeja mantra      Om Hreem Namah
Major benefit     Showers all possible comforts of life one can ever desire. It gives riches and honour and fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments ( Siddhies); the god cupid (Kamadeva) is pleased with the person who wears it. It is helpful for meditation and spiritual and materialistic attainments.

Rudraksha         14 Mukhi
Ruling God          Hanuman
Ruling Planet      Saturn
Beeja mantra       Om Namah
Major benefit      Most precious divine gem - Deva Mani. It awakens the sixth sense organ by which the wearer foresees the future. Its wearer never fails in his/her decisions. It helps rid all the calamities, miseries, and worries. It protects from ghosts, evil spirits, and black magic . 

It provides the wearer with safety, security, riches, and individual power. It is one of the most precious Rudraksha. It is said that it has came directly from the eyes of Lord Shiva, who was wearing this bead. It activates your Third Eye Chakra, giving you the ability to visualize things clearly and stimulating your spiritual capacities.

Rudraksha         15 Mukhi
Ruling God         Lord Pashupati
Ruling Planet      None
Beeja mantra      Om Namah Shivay
Major benefit      This represents Lord Pashupati and is especially beneficial for economic progress. Its possessor is neither bereft of wealth nor inflicted by any kinds of skin diseases. It is known to heal the Heart Chakra. Any discomfort related to the heart will disappear.

Rudraksha         16 Mukhi
Ruling God         Lord Rama
Ruling Planet      None
Beeja mantra      Om Namah Shivaya
Major benefit      It represents victory and the possessor is never affected by heat or cold. It is especially useful for saints living in jungles. The house in which it is kept is free from fire, theft, or robbery. It protects you and releases all kind of fear and insecurity. It liberates you from the fear of death and cures diseases. It is a strong protector against negative energies. It will allow you to rise in victory and grace.

Rudraksha         17 Mukhi 
Ruling God        Vishvakarma 
Ruling Planet     None
Beeja mantra      Om Namah Shivaya
Major benefit     It represents Vishvakarma, the builder of this world. It is very effective in gaining unexpected money. It is especially useful in attaining property, vehicles, and all physical assets. It allows the wearer to live with great power and divine magnetism. It is associated to Vishakarma, the builder of the Universe. The wearer of this kind of Rudraksha bead, is filled with abundance.

Rudraksha          18 Mukhi
Ruling God         Mother Earth
Ruling Planet      None
Beeja mantra      Om Namah Shivaya
Major benefit     It represents Mother Earth. The possessor remains happy and healthy. It is especially beneficial for pregnant women in protecting their child. It is a rare one and is the most powerful bead for prosperity. This is our Mother Earth’ Rudraksha. Wearing her bead, you will acquire immense wealth.

Rudraksha          19 Mukhi
Ruling God          Lord Narayana
Ruling Planet      None
Beeja mantra      Om Namah Shivaya
Major benefit     It represents Lord Narayana. The possessor is bestowed with all worldly pleasures. There is no scarcity in their life. It creates satisfaction within you. This bead will help you to attract all what you want, in business, in love and in life in general

Rudraksha          20 Mukhi
Ruling God         Vishwasu Sadhu & Narayana
Ruling Planet      None
Beeja mantra      Hidden
Major benefit     It represents Vishwasu Sadhu Praani. The wearer of this rudraksha is known for his/her words. They always speak truth and their words become true. Lord Shiva opens the power of truth for their words. This rudraksha reaches the saddhus, saints, and Brahmins by the virtue of their devotion to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva blesses them with a 21-mukhi rudraksha and removes their sins. It provides Moksha (liberation) in the end.

Rudraksha          21 Mukhi
Ruling God         Ek Alakh Niranjan that is Omkar
Ruling Planet      None
Beeja mantra      Hidden
Major benefit     It is called Ek Alakh King. It is the creator and is responsible for the preservation of the universe; it is the past, present, and future itself. This rudraksha belongs to each and every Shakti (power). Lord Brahmma, Vishnu, and Mahesha along with all other gods and goddesses live in this rudraksha. The wearer gets all the comforts, leisure, and happiness and in the end attains Moksha ( Blessing). It is the rarest Rudraksha bead, allowing the wearer to be blessed in all points of view. It is a very strong protector.

Rudraksha          Gauri Shankar
Ruling God         Shiva & Parvati
Ruling Planet      Moon
Beeja mantra      Om Shree GauriShankaraya Namah
Major benefit    Two beads that have grown and joined together naturally symbolize the holy union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati represented by the Soul and the Mind. The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is rarely found and blesses the wearer with the gifts of awakening of Inner consciousness, spiritual evolution and oneness with people and elements. 

It evokes pure universal love. It is known to improve relationships, bring joy and harmony. The Gauri is an extremely influential and powerful Rudraksha that is recommended for meditation. Regarded the best for peace and comfort in the family. If a person worships Gauri Shankar at their place of worship, their pain and suffering and other earthly obstacles are destroyed and peace and pleasure in their family increase manifold.