I have consulted a client on 24th September 2018. As per my business policy, my client need to transfer my fees in bank first and then let me know and accordingly I gave my bank details to him. My client informed me that he had credited the amount in my account and gave me the reference transaction id number and since sometimes it takes time to get credited in my account which I know, so I started my working on his horoscope/kundli. 

That day till evening I didn't receive any credited amount information from bank, but never had doubt on my client's integrity so I have posted the soft copy of my prediction report to him as he was eagerly waiting for my predictions. That night as I was thinking as to what could have happened that the transaction failed and since he had given me the transaction id number I never had any opportunity to have doubt on him. 

I thought of plotting KP prashana kundli and after reading I found that I will receive my fees but LATE. I couldn't understand the reason of Why the transaction will get delayed as it is straight forward and easy transaction, but since that was what astrology says so I was bit baffled. 

Since I had full faith on my client's integrity so I started checking at my end, if I made any mistake at my end in giving my bank details. On checking I found it was my mistake that I gave him a wrong account number. By mistake I wrongly typed one number so the amount was getting reversed in my client's account and it happened twice. 

I informed about my mistake to the client and gave him the correct account number. One week passed and still I didn't received my fees. I WhatsApp him but there was no feedback. When I called him, he never used to pickup my phone calls. Later on he blacklisted me and blocked my call and also blocked me on WhatsApp so that I can't communicate with him. 

Now that almost 2 weeks passed and now even communication was not possible so I was in two mind as practically I see no way of communication with him and he is literally avoiding me to pay my fees and on the other hand my astrology prediction says that I will get my fees 100% but LATE.

Now lets see the case study of this KP prashna kundli. I have erected the KP prashna kundli with number 75 on 24th September 2018 at 9.08 PM. Since I stay in Mumbai so obviously Mumbai longitude and latitude.

To study this we need to see the 6th cusp sublord if the event is promised and 11th cusp sublord to confirm along with the Mahadasa lord for the timing of the event.

Here in the kundli the 6th cusp sublord is Mars signifying required 6,2,10,3, and11th house, but it was also signifying 12,8,5 and 7th house which opposes the event to happen.

The 11th cusp sublord is Saturn and is signifying required 6th house and 10th house but it was also signifying 5,7 and 9th house which will create hurdles in the wish fullfillment.

The Jupiter dasa signifying house 1,3,4,8,9,10,11 and 12th house. Here it is seen that 1,10 and 11th house signifies that there is wish fullfillment but with hurdles as 8,9 and 12th house will obstruct the event and the hurdles could be in any form.

According to the prashna kundli chart when it had predicted late but assured of getting paid, so I felt that there will be certainly a way out which will appear out of blue. On 11th October an idea struck me and I wrote a long sms to him to which he responded and agreed to pay my fees and gave a lame excuse of himself being out of town and in a remote area where net is not available. Finally on 15th October evening my account was credited with my consulting fees.
Jai Maa Tara.