What is the effect of debilitated and affilicted moon in a person's Kundli / Horoscope ?

A debilitated moon makes person rest less and more over if it is affilicted then it will bring in tensions. Mood represent mind, so if it is effected in any way then it will definitely create disturbance in mind. Moon alone cannot create psychological or mental problems unless and until saturn and mercury is also affilicted. 

This moon produce lots of negative thinking and tendency of doubting. This may result in spoiling relation with people. Many a time the husband wife relationship is severely effected as the nature of doubting predominant so much that it lead to friction in relationship. Moon represent mother so any affiliction as well as debilitation will effect the health of his/her mother.

Quick results are seen from transit of moon. So in this case the results won't be much of help to the native as the outcome of the result will decrease due to its debilitation and affiliction.