In a horoscope there are many combinations of planets form due to their placements gives a particular results to every person having those type of combinations in their horoscope. Theses combinations are called “yoga” and our ancient rishis who gave us this beautiful knowledge of astrology has given different names to such combinations. There are many yogas and their dictums in astrology given by rishis. 

The yogas can give positive as well as negative results as per the combinations of the planets in the horoscope.


Gaja Kesari-Yoga is an auspicious yoga in Vedic Astrology. This yoga is based on the placement of Jupiter and Moon in a birth chart. This yoga is formed in the birth-chart when Jupiter is in angle from Moon. 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th places are called the centre houses in chart. This yogas bestows a person with wealth, luck, children, overall prosperity and knowledge as Jupiter along with Moon is considered the signifactor of all these auspiciousness in Vedic Astrology. Jupiter should be placed in own sign or in the sign of friend planet. When formed in Kendra from Ascendant or have the aspect of benefic planet like Mercury and Venus, this gives more auspicious result. This yoga also protects a person and cancels the adverse effect of many bad planets present in a chart.

Kedar Yoga is formed when all the seven planets are present in any of the four houses in a birth chart. Such a native is charitable and can earn lot of fame and income by virtue of his hard work from land, farming and agriculture.

Kahal yoga is formed when the lords of 9th and 4th houses are in mutual angles. However, the lord of the Ascendant should be strong. This yoga is also said to be formed when the lord of the 4th is in exaltation state or is in his own sign and has the aspect of 10th lord or is in conjunction with the 10th lord. This yoga has contradictory results. The native may be brave, kind and rich but on the other hand he may also be foolish. He has to struggle hard to achieve his goal in life. 

Kamal Yoga is formed by a planetary combination where all planets are placed in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses of a birth chart. This yoga is considered as an auspicious yoga which makes the native to lead happy and renowned life. He becomes the masters of many arts.

Musala Yoga is formed when all the planets are present in the Fixed Signs i.e Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The person with this yoga is dedicated towards his work and goal. These people are reliable and are committed towards their principles in life which in return give them fame and achievements. Such a native excels in administrative line. They accumulate wealth and immovable assets and lead a happy life. 

Neechabhang Rajyoga is the planetary combination for the cancellation of bad effect of a debilitated planet in birth chart. As the name of this yoga suggests, the cancellation of the bad effect of debilitated planet facilitate a person to attain the status of a king. He leads a life full of comfort and authority


This is one of the negative yogas in Indian Astrology unless it is cancelled by the placement or aspect of other benefic planets present in a chart. When there is no planet except Sun, Rahu and Ketu in 2nd and 12th house from Moon, Kemdrum yoga is formed. This yoga is known for poverty, failures, hard work and struggle in the life of native because Moon, the most important planet in Indian Astrology, gets no support from any planet. 

The affliction of Moon in this way keeps a person away from the blessing of Moon. However, it is observed that Kemdrum Yoga is weekend or cancelled when Moon has the aspect of benefic planet/planets. The same is result when some positive planet is placed in the Kendra from Moon or Ascendant. Kendras are known as 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses. 

Daridra Yoga is formed when the lord of the eleventh house is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house of a kundli. There are other planetary combinations in chart which may form Daridra Yoga. Particularly 11th house, 9th house and 2nd house in a chart are also concerned with wealth and luck. If the lords of these houses have any connection with 6th, 8th or 12th house or with the lords of these houses, Daridra Yoga is formed. 

The lords of 6th house, 8th house or 12th house may also form this yoga. So this yoga may be formed in many ways. The conjunction or the aspect of benefic planet on this combination may reduce the reverse effect of this yoga while the presence or aspect of malefic planet may make this yoga more strong creating difficulties and hardship in life. 

When the luminaries are affected by the presence of Rahu and Ketu in a chart, this yoga is formed. Both Sun and Moon are known as luminaries in Indian Astrology. Sun represents soul while Moon represents mind. When these are affected by most malefic planet Rahu or Ketu, the persons may not get stable life and he may feel restless throughout his life on account of weak and afflicted Sun or Moon.

This is also a malefic yoga. When Jupiter is in the 6th or 8th house from the Moon, this bad yoga is formed. Sixth and eighth houses are known as negative houses in a chart. Jupiter, the planet of prosperity, knowledge and religion get affected due to its placement in 6th or 8th house from Moon, which is considered as important as Ascendant. So, the results are unhappiness in life, arrogant nature and delay and obstructions in marriage particularly in case of girls.

This is again an adverse yoga in chart which is formed when Jupiter is combusted with Rahu in a chart. Rahu is known for its negative results and obstruction in any auspicious work. Hence, a native may be deprived of from the benefic results of Jupiter like good or higher education, smooth married life and prosperity due to impact of Rahu.


These yogas operates only during their fructification period called Mahadasa period.
Mahadasa is the period designated to each planet and they are of different length of period, for example Venus has a ruling period of 20 years, Ketu has 7 years, Sun has 6 years, Moon has 10 years, Mars has 7 years, Rahu has 18 years, Jupiter has 16 years, Saturn has 19 years and mercury has 17 years.


There are many people having very good yogas in their horoscope, but they do not get the results of it because yoga operates only during the fructification period of their mahadasa and some person do not get the chance of the commencement of that good mahadasa period in their life. So this are the people in spite of having good yogas in their horoscope, do not get the good result of it and thus can be said unfortunate.

In the same way there are people having bad yogas in their horoscope, but they are not effected at all because of it, because they are fortunate that in their life they will not have the commencement of the inauspicious period of the mahadasa.    
So yogas give its results only during the operational period of its mahadasa and a person experience the results of it, be it positive or negative.