There are many predictions in many websites and youtube videos about the transit effect of this two major very big planets i.e Jupiter and Saturn. Every one is very curious to know about his / her destiny and so they read or watch it with utmost interest. 

If a survey is taken of these people of same lagna / ascendant and same rashi / moon sign ( because some of the people are giving their prediction according to moon sign and some are according to ascendant ) then we will find that with two same ascendant or moon sign / rashi person will experiences different effect of the transit planets. 

One may get married and the other may get divorce for the same transit. Here people get confused as to why it happen so and not happened as per the words of the website or videos.
For example a person desiring to go abroad for job makes his passport and applied for job, gets first interview call in his country only, but fails in the interview.

Analyzing Transit effect of Jupiter and Saturn

According to KP astrology we need to see FRIST if an event is promise in the horoscope and then the timing of the fructification of the event. In the horoscope of a person the Mahadasa shows the timing of an event and the TRANSIT PLANET trigger the event thru its activated houses.

For example a person building a desire to go abroad for job, making passport and applying for job and mentally preparing for going abroad is shown by the Transit of the planet. In other word Transit of planets will create an environment of wish fulfillment of going abroad for job and influence the person towards that goal achievement.

But due to sudden happening of a situation he will drop the plan or due to many more reason he will not be able to go abroad because the event was not promised in his horoscope. Sometime it also happen the other way round, like a person is promised of an event in his horoscope BUT he donot get the good results of it as mahadasa and transit which is also the timer of the event is not in support of the event. 

So for a event to happen in appropriate time the promise in the horoscope and Mahadasa time with respect to Transit matching is MUST.