When Venus and Ketu come in conjunction, there tends to be a
great deal of directionless love and sensual pleasure. As per KP astrology this happens when both Ketu and Venus and the 5th house become significators of 5,6,7,8 and 12th house. 
The 5th house signifies glamour, entertainment, debauchery, the 6th house signifies bod company of people and bad habits, the 7th house signifies opposite sex, the 8th house signifies the hidden facts and the 12th signifies the bedroom secrets. 
The effect of it more during the Mahadasa of Ketu and Venus and its Antar dasa and Pran dasa. 
 The native will feel dissatisfied not because of lack of love and lust, but lack of understanding when it comes to the value of relationships. 
Unlike Rahu, who is never satisfied with love and lust, here Venus feels unsatisfied due to lack of feeling or desire for a union or relationship. These people tend to force themselves into relationships, but eventually come out walking alone.




 The directionless Ketu takes Venus into many directions in love
and relationships before Venus finally realizes that there is no
simple way to reaching ones soul mate. 
No matter how hard the spouse works or how loving their boyfriend or girlfriend are, they always tend think they are the ones who are sacrificing in the relationship, because Venus becomes blind with Ketu; it cannot see things clearly until it's too late.  
This desensitization can also lead to porn and sex addiction since the feeling behind such privately preserved acts will no longer be valid. This is why Rahu and Ketu are the same yet quite different in approach. Strippers, porn stars, and women in fashion who do take part in extensive drug use also have such conjunction. 
Venus is pleasure while Ketu is the act of letting of worldly pleasures go. The tug of war between them damages the sensual part of Venus. After many disappoints in love, they tend to view love and relationships as an object rather than a union of two souls.