several planets group together in a house several views are
expressed in general. When two planets in a house are
together, differing views are expressed in particular.
For example,
Moon and Mars grouping is known as
yoga. Moon and Jupiter together is known as Guru-Mangala
yoga. Again on planetary groupings, aspects, Kendhra
and Trikona positions many yogas are indicated. To hear of
the yogas it is very pleasant, but in our day to day reality none of the
yogas have proved true to the saying.
To the contrary,
unfavourable results stepped in. Further when more than 2
planets group in a house, at times 6 or 7, certain literatures speak of them to be good and certain others speak as unfavourable.
Still another observation is grouping of 2 planets in each
house, or from lagna, planets stationed in each house upto 7th
house or 6th or 5th house is commonly known as Grahamalika
yoga or Chakradhara yoga likewise there are many yogas.
In a Rashi
chart, we have to think as what and how is the span of
house. The
group of planets in a house having 3 stars may be deposited
in one star or deposited in different-different stars, likewise
the planets in a house may be lords of some other houses by
For a said lagna these planets may have the power
to offer beneficial or adverse results. The distance between
one bhava (house) and the other bhava (house) are measured
and expressed in degree. Accordingly it has been found out
as to how the planets co-operate or otherwise.
This we know as
Friend or Enemy of the planets. Based on this if 2 or more
planets are depsosited in one star but within 2°, conjoined,
closer to each other, amongst them which planet runs the
dasa/buklhi, the immediate conjoined planet will offer its
result, to the planet which runs the dasa/bukthi.
example, 2 planets as lord of 6 and 7 conjoined in a House, lord
of 6th running his dasa might deny the marriage or cause
disease, but this lord of 7 will go to the help of lord of 6th
conduct the marriage or help to reduce the intensity of the disease.
After the marriage is over this lord of 7 having given a helping
hand does not take the responsibility for any good or bad in
their life. Similarly, lord of 7 running his dasa capable of celebrating
a marriage or to run a partnership business, this lord of 6th will
act to cause separation amongst the life partners or business
Likewise, a single planet as lord of both 6
and 7
conjoined with another planet, depending on bukthi lord, marriage
to take place or stopped or separation after marriage, or have
reunion, or break up of business partnership or make a fresh
business partnership, all such things will take place.
Other than this,
planets conjoined in a house, but posited in different stars or
deposited in the same star but stationed 2° away, these planets in different stars does not
offer any good or bad. Planets
in one star but stationed 2° away, as
explained above will offer results on dull note, or becomes
null and void.
Therefore, planets conjoined in a house (bhava)
deposited in different stars, offer the results of that
Starlord predominantly by involving itself of its house matters. Nothing
more nothing less.
That is mere grouping, said as conjoined, the
one or the other planets does not make any change at all. But more than a planet, if deposited
in the same star, are found conjoined strictly within 2°,
which planet runs the dasa, next to it, the conjoined planet
offers its results as it gets changed or transformed. Similarly, the
conjoined planets in the
same star if it is 2° away, it acts on
a dull note or gets null and void, as it does not get transformed.
All said above, if analysed as explained above will work out very
Source : Astrosecrets and Krishnamurti