Primarily, the fifth house is the indicator of progeny. It denotes
whether one will have child or not. If the 5th cusp or the 11th cusp falls in the watery triplicity, viz. CANCER, SCORPIO OR PISCES classified as fruitfull signs, it promises progeny of other testimonies also lend support. Barrens signs (viz., ARIES, GEMINI, LEO, VIRGO) on the cusps of 5th
and Xlth, lessen the chances for the birth of children. 

This is too general deserve any undue consideration, Taking Sagittarious or Aqarius Ascendants, for example the 5th cusp will most generally fall in Aries or Gemin i~ barren signs. Does it not mean that Sagitarius and Aquarius natives would have very few or no issues at all? Is it true so far as we know? Will we not fail if we say so? No worthwhile prediction would be possible if we go by such general rules. TAURUS, LIBRA, CAPRICORN,SAGIITARIUS are said to be semi-fruitful signs.

In considering progeny, the houses 2nd, 5th and 11 th houses have to be referred to, along with JUPITER, the putra karaka or the chief governor for child birth or the propagation of the species. The 5th house indicates our progeny, conception etc., and it is the house of creative power. 

The 11th house, being the 5th reckoned from the house respresenting the patner by marriage (i.e 5th & 11th), has also domain over matter of progeny, by reflex action even otherwise, the 11th would appear to describe children who after all, would have permanent ties with native by blood association.

The 11 th stands for all ties of a lasting character as we only too well know.
The 2nd house which is otherwise knowr as Kutumbhasthana has relevanu to the growth of the natives family as ares ult of marriage, birth of children and son, or contraction by the death of the family members. prediction would be possible if we go by such general rules.

TAURUS, LIBRA, CAPRICORN,SAGIITARIUS are said to be semi-fruitful signs .In considering progeny, the houses 2nd, 5th and 11 th houses have to be referred to, along with JUPITER, the putra karaka or the chief governor for child birth or the propagation of the species.

Fifth house in child birth according to KP astrology

The 5th house indicates our progeny, conception etc., and it is the house of creative power. The 11th house, being the 5th reckoned from the house respresenting the patner by marriage (i.e5th  & 11th), has also domain over matter of progeny, by reflex action even otherwise, the 11th would appear to describe children who after all, would have permanent ties with native by blood association. The 11th stands for all ties of a lasting character as we only too well know.

The 2nd house which is otherwise knowr as Kutumbhasthana has relevanu to the growth of the natives family as ares ult of marriage, birth of children and son, or contraction by the death of the family members. Hence the 2nd, 5th and 11th house are to be investigated in combination Jupiter is referred to as BRIHASPATHI and famed as Puthrakaraka on the principle that his sphere of life is  "EXPANSION", and so, our Guruji  the great masterrmind
Prof.K.S.K. laid stress on all the above three houses as well as onthe strength of JUPITER in term of its association with the above houses, by aspect and by stellar connection. 

According to the dictum laid down in K.P. the 5th cusp SUB lordshould be a strong significator of either 2nd, or 5th or 11th house so as lo promise child birth. If the same SUB lord is a strong
significator of the 1st or 4th or 10th houses, the testimony is not favourable, these three houses being the 12th respectively to the 2nd 5th and 11th.