My experience with Astrology predictions

My experiences with astrology has been very exciting as I never use to believe in astrology before. Its only after studying it and now practicing it I understood it. Frankly I am still a student and will remain as student till the end of my life as the knowledge of as is a vast ocean and to grab a glass of its knowledge is also a very big achievement.

Initially when I use to make a predictions then I was waiting the whole day for the feed back of that person thru other person who had referred me for his guidance. It was because of my science background. As I have done my graduation in science so initially it was quite thrilling as things happen according to your predictions. There were also prediction which were wrong. When there is a wrong prediction then it becomes the part of your study is to know why it happened so. 

By studying from owns mistakes only a person can become a good astrologer. Astrology is such a difficult subject that understanding the behavior of the planets sometimes is unpredictable.

In astrology there are many methods for the same prediction. So it is quite confusing is to which method has to be considered in the particular case. Here the INTUITION plays a vital role in guiding you towards correct method. According to me a good astrologer must also have good intuition.